[Copied from rec.ham-radio on Usenet] I am just starting to learn Morse code. I created the chart below to help me visualize how the characters are related. It is a binary tree with each branch indicating either "." or "-". You can use it to translate Morse code to clear text as each "bit" (either "." or "-") is transmitted, rather than accumulating the whole character and then searching for a match. I feel that this is going to be a very natural way for me to memorize Morse. Here's an example: To find the clear text for "-.-.", start at the right branch (T) because the first symbol is a "-". The next symbol is a ".", so travel down to the left (N). The next symbol is a "-", so travel down to the right (K). The next symbol is a ".", so travel down to the left (C). Since there are no more symbols left, "C" is the clear text for "-.-.". A percent symbol ("%") is used to indicate that no character exists for the corresponding Morse (eg "..--"). It is only used when an existing character is built up from said non-existing character (eg "..---"). Remember: if the symbol is ".", go left; if it is "-", go right. If you find the chart a little hard to read on the screen, I suggest printing it out in a monospace (ie non-proportional) font. ==Adam . - E T / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ .. .- -. -- I A N M / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ... ..- .-. .-- -.. -.- --. --- S U R W D K G O / \ / \ / / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ .... | ..-. | .-.. .--. | -... | -.-. | --.. | | | | ...- | | | | .--- | -..- | -.-- | --.- | | H V F % L P J B X C Y Z Q % % / \ \ \ \ / / / / \ ..... | | | | -.... --... ---.. ----. | | ....- ...-- ..--- .---- | | | | ----- 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 0